15 November 2024 Release
Hildegard and Her Sisters - Katelyn Bouska, piano
Yarlung Records, Los Angeles
Following the critically acclaimed 2023 release of Women and War and Peace, Kate and Yarlung Records again join forces. This time, their musical journey reaches back to the Medieval Period and the music of Hildegard von Bingen. The timelessness of Hildegard’s music is in honor of Lenka Hlávková.
The path of the album, graciously couching the themes of Hildegard, follows the trajectory of the falling darkness. Amy Beach, in her “A Hermit Thrush at Eve”, carries us softly into the darkness with bird song calling clearly from the upper ranges of the piano. Once the night has fallen, the inner spirit emerges. bruises, paraphrase, a new work by Maya Miro Johnson, explores the frailty of the human body and Canticles of Hieronymus, by Ruth Schönthal honors the rambunctious imagination of our medieval counterparts.
But, we are not left in that darkness. Sláva Vorlová, Síla světla (The Power of Light) brings back the early rays of sunshine and then suddenly – we hear the bird song again, singing to greet the sun. Amy Beach, The Hermit Thrush at Morn, reminds us the hope and glory of music, nature, and humanity.
In Kate’s words, “The direction of this album follows a more personal path than my previous work. The initial germ was a memory from my early student years and the culminating force, the death of a friend and colleague – Lenka Hlávková. I looked for the music that drove inexorably inward - searching for that point deep in the core where we lose our differences.
In the timeline of my musical life, Hildegard’s voice stands as a solid point of inspiration. As I was re-creating her music, I was overcome with an overwhelming mystical nostalgia. The years of teaching and study, of concertizing fell away. All the music I have had in my hands was still and I heard only the pure resonance of the magic and mystery of that memory.”
Women and War and Peace
Yarlung Records - 2023
Women and War and Peace: from Poland to Ukraine: A female portrait of 200 years of European Wars
Yarlung Records releases a new album with pianist Katelyn Bouska marking the first anniversary of Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine. This gripping album explores the lives of six women composers during times of war, exile and the aftermath.
This is an album about humanity. Six women carving out their place in the world, telling their story wherever fate took them. Their experiences transcend time, space, gender, and politics. In telling their stories, pianist Katelyn Bouska has created a musical world where we see our own reflected.
…this is one of the most compelling releases of 2023 thus far…
…an artist with a charismatic influence…
Adrian Quanjer, Native DSD
Katelyn shifts, morphs, realigns to bring out the ever-changing moods and perspectives. Her playing carries me along …Katelyn's richness of dynamic shading make of the work something that is simply alive.
Rushton Paul, Positive Feedback
Katelyn plays with a gripping sensitivity.
Remy Frank, Pizzicato
Štěpán Filípek & Katelyn Bouska: Vol. II
Radioservis - 2019
Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek -Antonín Dvořák -Vítězslava Kaprálová -David Carpenter - Barry Yuk Bun Wan
The Complete Piano Works of Miloslav Ištvan
Český Rozhlas - 2019
Katelyn Bouska svou interpretací Itvana prokázala velkou dávku fantazie a vlastního názoru. Její interpretace je živelná, flexibilní a poutá sugestivní agogikou i bohatou dynamickou škálou. Instinktivně dokáže utvářet úhozovou paletu a ukazuje pochopení pro interpretační výklad Ištvanovy osobité kompoziční techniky montáže. - Milan Bátor, Český Rozhlas
Katelyn Bouska, in her interpretation of Miloslav Ištvan, demonstrates a large dose of imagination and her own personal opinions. Her interpretation is full of life, flexibility and gripping rhythms and a richness of dynamic shadings. Instinctively she illustrates the shapes by her patelette of touch and a deep understanding of the elements of Ištvan’s personal composition style of montáž. - Milan Bátor, Český Rozhlas.
Ms. Bouska plays with conviction, immediacy, and a lucid understanding of Ištvan’s musical language. ------Hsiang Tu, College Music Society
Štěpán Filípek, cello and Katelyn Bouska, piano
Český Rozhlas - 2017
Z hlediska interpretace není albu co vytknout – sólisté spolu komunikují, hašteří se, bijí se, ustupují si z cesty a navzájem se doplňují… Dá se však říct, že hudebníci dokázali zdárně uchopit a prezentovat emocemi nabitou, a přesto nepatetickou podobu děl, a ještě zdůraznit charakteristické rysy skladby, které by jinak mohly v hudební fakturu zaniknout. -Lukáš Pavlica, Harmonie
From the viewpoint of interpretation, there is nothing to reproach – soloists together communicate, quarrel, fight, withdraw from their path and then return together again in harmony…It can be said, that the musicians demonstrate successfully their comprehension and present emotionally charged, in a non-pathetic from of the work, and still emphasize the characteristic elements of the compositions which could be otherwise be missed.
- Lukáš Pavlica, Harmonie
From the Valley of Baca - The Chamber Music of David Owen Carpenter
Parma Records, 2018
Charles Abramovic, piano
Katelyn Bouska, piano
Lawrence Indik, baritone
Rebecca Harris, Violin
Myanna Harvey, Viola
Cassia Harvey, Cello
Rhapsody, composed in 2015 for pianist Katelyn Bouska and originally intended for a companion piece to Chopin’s Piano Sonata in B minor, op. 58, amplifies the composer’s poetic voice, performed with pluck and aplomb by Bouska as the newly-expanded, three-movement work’s modern-day dedicatee. – Holly Harris, Winnipeg Press